Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kirk Patrick Samuda, Service Request free essay sample

A brief analysis of Riordan manufacturing HR system reflects an obvious absence of automated integration via a Wide Area Network for the HR Department. The present methodology applied to the gathering and sharing of information isn’t effective and must be upgraded promptly to permit positive changes throughout Riordan. As such, a key area of focus is the acquisition of relevant and effective information that can cause positive changes for every department and location of Riordan. The key Stakeholders to interview for such information must be involved with Finance and Accounting, hiring, operations, the training of end users, and the sharing of information among departments, both individually and consolidated. Based on the personnel information provided by Riordan’s intranet, the following members of staff are chosen to share and document their present experiences with HR, and to make documented recommendations towards a fully automated and integrated HR environment (HRIS). Yvonne McMillanDirector of Human Resources Hugh McCauleyChief Operating Officer Donald BrysonDirector of Accounting and Finance / Controller Patricia MillerManager IT services ( San Jose) Stacey JonesManager IT services ( Albany) Dirk KortManager IT services ( Pontiac) Phil JohnsonManager Research Maria CastilloDatabase Analyst Mari CarilloTraining and Development specialist Maria TrinhChief Information Officer Andrea GambyEmployee Relations manager Robert TrinhProgram/Analyst Because the intent of the service request is to establish a simpler, more effective way of managing human resources, with the hope of merging operations with people to produce maximum performance and profitability for Riordan, specific gathering techniques and systems analysis tools must be proposed as viable tools for this project. We will write a custom essay sample on Kirk Patrick Samuda, Service Request or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Essential to the success of this Service Request is the systems development life cycle(SDLC), because it is the foundation on which an efficient information system will be developed. Hence the tools to be used here are computer aided software engineering(CASE), a database that ask specific questions of each of the above employees, a logic sequence application, system software, documentation and training manuals. A precursor to the upgrade of the HR system will require that a Programmer/Analyst discuss with each of the above staff members the following :- The type of human resource that is needed to improve department performance The type of information needed to create an easier and smoother work flow The type of software necessary to create a human to computer interface How to improve the human-computer dialogue Designing of Forms and reports Having an understanding of the five tools mentioned above, makes it easier for the Analyst to create a SDLC based on the information shared by everyone. It must be noted that the two instrumental sub phases embedded within the systems design phase consists of two very important activities: designing the human interface(HR Responsibility) and designing the databases(IT responsibility). It is very important for the Analyst to comprehend the skills of each end user, as this will contribute to the creation of effective new design that will permit data sharing and hardcopies that satisfy the needs of everyone using the HRIS. The IS infrastructure at Riordan Manufacturing doesn’t permit flexibility where information sharing is concerned. As such the key factors that help to ensure the successful collection of information for this project is dependent on the gathering on quality data, and having discussions with all the people mentioned above. It must be noted that the gathering of informative data, requires a process that is critical, and is the first step in the adoption and IS process. However, IS requirements are too often inconsistent or incorrect, and sometimes incomplete. Often, the reasons for this failure have less to do with technologies, and more to do with the incompetence of people. The Analyst must first familiarize himself with the dysfunctions of the present system in details, by asking specific questions about the HR problems per department, and take documented suggestions on how to improve it. It must be highlighted that Riordan presently uses outdated methods of gathering information, with very little interface that permits data access by anyone else. As such, to acquire the information needed, a questionnaire must be constructed directing people to answer specific question about HR, with a subsequent plan for the implementation of a new HRIS, that satisfies the concerns and needs outlined in the questionnaire. Holding interviews with employees is a direct way of getting answers, Also exercising the waterfall model, will promote the gathering, analysis, and documentation of all requirements before moving to the next phase, which is the software development cycle. Project Scope is a highlighted premise that outlines the work needed to deliver a product, or complete a specified project. The requirements and deliverables reflect the project scope, and is a critical component that showcases the stakeholder(s) agreement with the information discussed in the proposed plan. According to Margaret Rouse of Tectarget. com, project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. The documentation of a projects scope is called a scope statement, which explains the boundaries of the project and establishes responsibilities for members of a team, delegating procedures and conditions of how the project must be completed and verified. The Diagram above reflects how Project scope is viewed by www. projectscope. net. The areas of project feasibility that are examined in the analysis phase of the SCLC are Justification, Objectives, Scope Description, Constraints and assumptions. Because the project scope statement is primary factor in any new project, it must be established that that its intent is to outline the project results, that should highlight the terms and conditions under which the project will be done. Hence, the following inclusions in the scope statement: Justification: The reason behind the HR project, why is it a business necessity? Justifying the scope of work to be conducted, and the interrelation of adjoining activities within the HRIS. Objectives: What is the assumed end result of this HR Project, also referred to as deliverables. Product scope description: The intended HRIS features and functions , and the results your project will produce. Product acceptance criteria: The development process and HR criteria for accepting the completed HRIS end results. Assumptions: HRIS development is designed to some extent on assumptions, regarding to address uncertain information as you exercise the SDLC of the project. (Dummies. com,  2012). References http://searchcio. techtarget. com/definition/project-scope http://www. projectscope. net/ http://Dummies. com/

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